Exciting times here at Knight HQ!

We're finalists!
We’re finalists!

 We are so excited here at our busy office in Hertford because we’re in the finals in no less than two categories of the FSB Hertfordshire Business Awards 2013.  The two categories we are shortlisted for are Best New Business and East Herts Business of the Year.

So please excuse a little chest thumping by David while I do a bit of a mad dance around the office but we’re so pleased to have been chosen by the judges to go through to the finals.

But we’re sure we wouldn’t have been nominated without  our lovely clients who have been so forthcoming with their praise and appreciation of what we do.  I don’t want this to turn into something like an acceptance speech at the Oscars, so I’ll leave the gushyness and just say ‘THANK YOU’ to:

Our clients – who are, of course, the best in the world and I’m so pleased they’re ours!

Our families and friends – who have put up with us being unsociable and unavailable for a couple of years now!

And finally, our business colleagues, sob, our networking friends, sob, and everyone who has contributed their advice, time, knowledge, and plain hard work – sob, sob, please pass me the box of tissues …

Okay, enough already!  Seriously though we are truly delighted to have our hard work recognised and we’re really looking forward to the awards ceremony on June 13th at Shendish Manor, mmm, fizz, lots of fizz, mmmmm!

Note to our lovely tenants:  You know we are always here if  you need us, but please, please, don’t call us on the evening of 13th June because unless it is really, truly is an emergency – we won’t be available!  And even then we won’t be available but the emergency services will be. 

FSB Business Awards Finalist 2013
FSB Business Awards Finalist 2013

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